Family Time!

We continue to be super busy at Luton’s Teton Cabins this summer, and have been taking many reservations already for 2022. It is nice that families are able to get out and enjoy our wonderful national parks again. Both Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks here in Wyoming have been setting records each month for visitors. This past week my brother Brian, his wife Annette and daughter Breanna, along with my sister LuAnn and her daughter Alicia were able to spend a week in the cabins visiting with us. Annette had to fly home after a few days to go back to work, but she was able to see the “highlights” of the Tetons, and get some hiking in with my sister. They also got to see one of our spectacular sunsets over the Tetons from the front porch of their cabin.

Brian, LuAnn and Annette were able to get a little hiking in while we were working.

My niece Alicia (LuAnn’s daughter) has been enjoying learning photography, and she took the “money shot” below, at Schwabacher Landing in Grand Teton, a very popular spot for photographers. It’s always nice when a moose shows up!

We did several hikes in the Tetons, including our favorite trail, out to Taggert Lake. (Dan had to work, so he missed out on our 9 miles of hiking! And Alicia got bit by the altitude sickness bug and took the day off) We quickly learned not to let my niece Bre (Brian’s daughter) take the lead….I was able to keep up for a while, but my “older” siblings needed to stop and rest!

Everyone seemed to agree that Taggert Lake is a beautiful spot!

Bre, Brian, Jonell and LuAnn

After our first hike of the day, we drove up to the top of Signal Mountain, where a young man was just finishing a marriage proposal – she said yes! It’s a spectacular spot for a proposal.

My brother just retired, and to prove that he is still “young” he decided to stop and do a handstand on our second hike of the day, around the shore of Jackson Lake.

Very impressive Brian

Then next day, when Dan and I were both off. We drove up to Yellowstone with everyone, and did the highlights of the lower loop.

The siblings at the Lower Falls

The upper falls

The park service is testing out these new shuttle busses in Yellowstone, at the Canyon Visitors area. They only work a few hours at a time, and then have to recharge. We did not get to see them in action. The busses are called “TEDDY” for The Electric Driverless Demonstration in Yellowstone.

We did a short hike up to the overview for the Grand Prismatic, one of my favorite spots.

Dan, LuAnn, Jonell, Brian. Alicia and Bre in front

And no visit to Yellowstone would be complete without a stop at Old Faithful, which erupts about 20 times a day.

It was a great week spent with family, and I am happy that two of my siblings were able to make it out here (finally!)

Quote of the day: “To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were, we know each other’s hearts, we share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys.” – Clara Ortega